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#1 Estonia company formation and registration |
According to the Estonian Commercial Code there are six forms of business entities in the Republic of Estonia. Foreign investors have equal rights and obligations with local entrepreneurs. All foreign investors may establish a company in the Republic of Estonia in the same way as local investors; no special restrictions are made.
Prior to establishing an enterprise it is essential to assess and choose the type of an undertaking which is the most appropriate for you in legal and economic terms. This choice will affect not only the amount of necessary equity capital, but also the legal status of the enterprise and other business related issues.
The most popular types of legal entity being set up by foreigners in Estonia are the so called private limited liability company (OÜ) and the public limited liability company (AS).
private limited liability company (OÜ) public limited liability company (AS) or joint stock company general partnership (TÜ) and limited partnership (UÜ) sole proprietorship (FIE) branch of foreign company It is mandatory to register the company with the Commercial Register of Estonia in order to commence business and operate in Estonia.
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